This past week continued a period of good fishing around the Forgotten Coast. We continue to get reports trickling in of Pompano being caught along the beaches. I have noticed that there are plenty of Sand Fleas along the surf line and the Pomp's love those things. So get you a Sand Flea rake or do the Sand Flea shuffle and collect you up some of this great bait. If you don't want to spend the energy doing that then use frozen Sand Fleas, Fishbites Flea Flavor or any number to quality Pompano Jigs available at Bluewater Outriggers. We also carry a great variety of Pompano Rigs that allow you to tie on, bait up and fish. From two hook rigs to three hook rigs we've got you covered. Redfish and Trout bite continues to be great as well from Windmark all the way out to Apalachicola. Popping rigs and jerk baits as well as paddle tail shad soft baits will produce fish. Talk to the staff at Bluewater and they'll point you to fish catching baits that are used weekly. Until we talk again, Happy Fishing !
Bobby Scarbrough
Bluewater Outriggers