BlueWater Outriggers Fishing Report 3-7-2025
BlueWater Outriggers Fishing Report 3-7-2025

Offshore: If you were lucky enough to get out there before all this wind picked up the offshore fishing has remained steadily productive on Red Grouper and Scamp. Bluewater’s own Jake Harpe even landed an impressive African Pompano. A number of folks have been limiting out on Vermillion snapper and we’re not talking those little guys either; we’re talking about the fat football sized B-liners that are easy to mistake for small Red Snapper as you watch them approach the surface from the depths. Speaking of depth, you’re going to have to get out there a little farther than the car bodies to get the good ones. Start looking around 120ft. Unfortunately, I’m looking at the offshore forecast on NOAA and the seas look a bit foreboding this upcoming weekend and into the early week. Saturday expect at least 2ft seas building on Sunday to 4 f.t and topping out at 5-7ft on Monday. Bluewater Outriggers loves for you to catch fish; we LOVE you to use our top-notch fishing gear; but most important of all, we love for you to play it safe out there!

Inshore: Right before this wind picked up I drove down to the marina to try my hand at some trout. I’d heard the Spanish took off after the temperature dropped a bit (I’ve fact checked this and it’s true) so I wasn’t going to bother with them. I’d just ordered a new color of a Z-man trick shot and had to try it out. It’s what I’d call a micro jig but I put a ¼ oz head on it to combat the slightly building wind. Before my three-year-old complained about being too cold I was able to land about 6 trout that were on the smaller end but fun nonetheless. Had I been able to stay longer into that magic hour right before dark I know I could have got some good ones but the outbursts of disapproval from my toddler every time I took another cast squashed my resolve to stay any longer and with a heavy heart and deep introspection of my life and the choices I’ve made, I left that good fishing spot at the peak fishing hour to go to McDonalds and purchase a Happy Meal.

If you want to avoid the wind-chopped bay you could head up the intracoastal waterway. It’s pretty protected in there and I’ve had some pretty good reports coming back. Folks have been getting a lot of Black Drum and a lot of smaller Reds with several slot sized Reds mixed in. There’s even been quite a few of the highly sought after Sheepshead coming out of there. In all honesty I wouldn’t say the inshore fishing is “killer” this last week, but its decent and there’s plenty of fish to go after. Just get out there and make it happen!

Freshwater: Once again, the Betts Spinner and the crappie minnows have been good sellers. I know the crappie have still been biting and I continue to hear excellent reports as well as see impressive photos. Some reports are from the Dead Lakes and others from the local creeks. Folks are getting them from the boat and the banks and they’re giving me a hard time about continuing to fish saltwater at this time rather than getting in on the freshwater action.

Hope to see you out there!

Jeremiah Payne-Bluewater Outriggers

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