With the onset of Hurricane Irma there was not much going on regarding fishing along the Forgotten Coast. It was more prepping and getting ready to "hunker down" as they say. I did want to take this space this week to express our sincere and heart felt sorrow for our fellow Floridians who have suffered greatly in Irma's wrath. We are tough people and we will be back better than ever. The Forgotten Coast and the rest of Florida's Panhandle was about the only areas in the state that escaped heavy damage. As I picked up a few tree limbs in my yard I thought of our neighbors further South on the Florida peninsula and the Keys and my heart hurt for them. I encourage everyone in our "spared" area to contribute in what ever manner you can to help with recovery process for the rest of Florida. We will over come this and put paradise back in order.
Bobby Scarbrough
Bluewater Outriggers
Office 850-229-1100